Become an entrepreneur before the end of 2024

5 Practical Steps to Changing Your Life in the Next 5 Months

💪 From someone who has a 6 figure online store, retired her husband from construction and travels for fun full time while coaching others on how to do the same! (Me…that’s me)

1️⃣ Number one: open a print on demand store

Build a shopify store (or have my team build one for you), learn how to design products in Canva, and run ads on Facebook (see number 3).

Selling Print on Demand gives you a way to sell stuff online without having to buy inventory, physically create products and ship orders.

When I make a sale in my store, my production partner in Florida ShineOn Profits On-Demand prints that one item, packages it and ships it directly to my customer.
This gives me the chance to focus on design & marketing.

Opening a business alone is hard - working with a production partner takes some of that pressure off your shoulders!

2️⃣ Number two: Focus on products with a healthy profit margin

Don’t sell t-shirts. Don’t sell coffee mugs. Don’t sell stickers.

Products with a high perceived value are going to be easier to sell at a price that makes sense for your business.

If your sale can’t cover your cost of goods, your ad spend etc - you’re not going to make any money.

Learn how to calculate your break even ROAS, return on ad spend. (tell me in the comments if you want me to make a video on how to calculate break-even ROAS)

3️⃣ Number three: Learn how to properly test your products with Facebook ads

Use a simple road-map to take the guesswork out of running ads.

Here’s how it works:
  • Tests at least 3 products/per week.
  • Create products with broad appeal.
  • Focus on sales instead of getting distracted by metrics that don’t matter (click thru rate, add to cart etc)
Did an actual human take out a credit card and buy? In initial testing, that’s the only data that matters.

4️⃣ Number four: Delegate & Prioritize money in your budget to hire VAs

Most of y’all know that my brother and I run a coaching program together. Mario Menduni has mentored me in business since I was just a baby “graphic designer” getting freelancing gigs using Canva.

He’s always pushed me to delegate tasks to others so I can focus on higher level growth. And to be honest, I wish I had listened to him sooner. (Mario if you’re reading this, you didn’t see this part where I admitted you were right LOL)

I look back on the past couple years and I wonder, why the heck did I have such a death grip, holding onto every single part of my business. Was I trying to prove that I could do it all?

That was a missed opportunity.

Bring in extra help and use that resource to grow your business WAY faster.

5️⃣ Number five: Be excellent with your time

It is impossible to be successful in ecommerce without being strategic with your time.

There will always be new software to learn, something to troubleshoot, emails to answer, and designs to create in Canva that you originally thought would only take you a few minutes until you find yourself awakening from a 3 hour Canva session wondering what the heck just happened.

Do not “play office.” Do not spend your time on tasks that FEEL productive but don’t actually move your business forward or generate revenue.

Your phone’s Focus Mode is your best friend.

👉 You can start a successful Print on Demand business in 2024.

Last year, our coaching program alone was responsible for over 10 million in student sales.

Take small steps, acknowledge that there will be challenges, and give yourself the respect to keep showing up.

Follow me on FacebookTiktok, and Twitter to become an entrepreneur in 2024.
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