Here’s what he told me (number 3 is my favorite)
Matt and I both laughed talking about this because it sounds funny & cringey. But there is GOLD in this mindset.
People talk about manifesting your success for a reason. If you believe, REALLY believe, you not only CAN make your business successful but also that you are ENTITLED to this success, you will act like a successful business owner. You will react like a successful business owner.
When you are challenged with something, you will push through it like a successful business owner.
Matt also told me how when he was our client and he was having trouble believing in himself, he borrowed that belief from my brother, Mario.
Number 2 - Get help from those who are ACTUALLY succeeding
Are you posting in Facebook groups and getting advice from other beginners who aren’t actually making sales?
Are you following the advice of people who have burnt out and given up? People who spend time on social media vs building their business?
If you’re going to pay a coach, is this a coach who is getting actual results for their clients or someone who is just a really good marketer?
Pay attention to the screenshots, the testimonials, who’s endorsing who, etc.
Number 3 - Unsubscribe
When Matt started selling print on demand message card jewelry, he decided to dedicate a full year to making it work.
He told me how he unsubscribed from everything else - any emails he was getting about affiliate marketing, about selling t shirts or coffee mugs, about blogging, about youtube…everything.
I absolutely love this advice! It’s so easy to get the shiny object syndrome (especially when we’re grinding out the boring tasks.)
Clearing out distractions is so important!
I’m obsessed with interviewing print on demand sellers who have made it big!
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